
I'm learning C# for making windows apps.
I've yet to become a good computer programmer, but I'm learning.
I will soon take over the world and become the greatest.

Good-Bye Program

september 14th 2018

This Program can say good-bye in several different languages

Mailing Label

september 19th 2018

This program can create a mailing label with the input of your name, city, and state.

Help Page

september 19th 2018

This is a basic help page for our companies

Car Rental

september 26th 2018

This program is a basic rental program for cars

BMI Calculator

October 1st 2018

This program can calculate your body mass index with the input of your height and weight.

Car Rental Ver. 2

October 10th 2018

The Car Rental Program has some new upgrades.

Test Score Program

October 17th 2018

This program can average out 2 of your inputted test scores.

Dice Program

October 24th 2018

This program can can roll two dice and keep track of the probability of rolling a certain sum.


October 29th 2018

This Program is a simple game of Craps

T-Shirts Program

september 19th 2018

This program can fill in multiple orders of different sized shirts


January 14th 2019

A fish randomly moves left or right in the fishtank.

Fish 2D

January 29th 2019

A fish randomly moves left, right, down, or up while avoiding a predator.


February 4th 2019

This program can create multiple numerical sequences.


February 12th 2019

This Program is a simple game of Tic-Tac-Toe. It is a two player game.

Basic AI

March 1st 2019

This is a simple shooter where you defeat the Banshee.


March 7th 2019

this simulates when you are traveling in Hyperspace.

Space Invaders

March 18th 2019

This is based off the old arcade game Space Invaders.

Final Project

March 18th 2019

this is my final project of GITA 1 which is my rendition of one of my favorite classic arcade game.